1. Labmates. I have got a few great and really helpful labmates.

2. Other friends. I know we will keep in touch and stay as good friends. I miss all the funs we had together.

3. Sushi and Wasabi. My recent sushi experience in SUSHI KING was a complete disappointment.

4. Four Seasons and UNIQLO. The heat back here can be really nasty at times although occasional rain cool the heat down. No UNIQLO but U2, Seed, Zara and G2000.

5. O'Festival (omatsuri). Nothing as beautiful as what I have seen in Japan (so far).

6. Nihongo. I have not been speaking alot of nihongo the past two months. Only once when we had a japanese customer visiting the factory. Hajimemashite ~ Patorikku to iimasu. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.

7. 415. This is the number of a room in Hyakumanben Heights occupied by me, then later by don't-know-who. No love life, no science fiction. Unlike 2046, only boring story line (I lost my poster. I left it in Incheon Airport).

8. Todaiji Temple. My most visited temple, located in Nara. Probably 15 times or more.

9. Bicycle. Well, I have a car now. I don't miss my old bicycle. It has been long forgotten.

10. Ugly cicadas. I am glad they are gone for the moment.

So it is a 8 out of 10. Life so far in Malaysia is good. Work is interesting. Good colleagues. Nice housemates. Busy weekends. I miss doing sightseeing and taking pictures. Of course blogging as well and I have just checked - no phone cables till May - therefore, no internet.