But before that, last few days, we had a great time at Coffee Trap. Dr Maurizio, our general manager threw a party and it was a fun night. Some pictures of my colleagues as shown below.

Left to right : Vivian, Dr Maurizio, Gowrie. The technical trio. Gowrie is no longer with us. She left perhaps two years back, now working for Wilmar - our competitor.

Two pretty mamas - Petrina and Elizabeth.

From left to right : Pink, Vincent and Hui Ying.

Active guys - Steven, Samuel, Lucas and Tan.

Hui Ying will be leaving us next week. Better job offer, better job opportunities I guess.

One of our clients and Elvin.

Pink and my boss, Doreen.

Petrina popular among guys.

Bee Yan - was she drunk ? She was on sick leave the past two days. Overdrinking ?

Here comes the cakes .... some nice speeches and singing as well.

Dr Maurizio giving his speech - also included a farewell speech. Yup, he is leaving as well.

Dr Maurizio performing one of his favorite numbers.

Other performances. They sang "Chan Tik Ngoi Lei" ... unbelievable.