Late afternoon and sunset view from Phnom Bakheng.

Sunrise and early morning walk for Angkor Wat itself.

The city gate of Angkor Thom.

Bayon - the complex of face towers.

Phimeanakas - The royal palace of Suryavarman I.

The Elephant Terrace - carvings of elephants along its wall.

The Leper King Terrace - deities of the underworld, the hidden wall.

Thommanon - A compact temple in the style of Angkor Wat.

Five massive towers on top of the imposing Takeo temple.

The inner towers of Banteay Kdei.

Strangler figs and silk-cotton trees entwined among ruins of Ta Prohm.

Banteay Srei with some exquisite decorative carvings in pink sandstone.

Excellently restored Angkor Wat-style temple, Banteay Samre is one of my favorites.

Huge brick towers of Pre Rup.

Ta Som - a small temple, miniature simplified version of Ta Prohm.

Neak Pean - An island temple in the middle of a pond.

Used to be a buddhist university, Preah Khan is a MUST visit.

On the way to the largest freshwater lake - The Great Lake of Tonle Sap.

We enjoyed the show - in the art of music and Apsara dancing.

Where we lived for several nights - value for money and good service (recommended).
Bou Savy Guesthouse & Restaurant
Homepage : www.bousavyguesthouse.com
E-mail : savy7777@hotmail.com