Trekking the dormant volcano - Mount Fuji.

Remembering Hiroshima - The Bomb Dome.

Gion Festival - The Heron Dance Girls.
If interested, please send your entries to :
Photos should only be sent as electronic data to the above e-mail address. Resolution of at least 200 pixels/inch (and at least 10 cm in width) in JPEG format. You are allowed to edit your pictures using Photoshop.
wah gaya woh...
the gion festival...the jap lady in white..
look ghost-ly.... hahahahahahhaha
trekking the mountain seems to be intersting too
I'm not surprised your pictures are published. You have a good eye, your pics are always interesting.
why pusing^pusing?
cakap saja ur picture is in the newspaper...
not that i want to show off but just thought of letting others know about this weekly column (every friday) in the japan times :P (although my pictures are not too bad after all)
Coolness! Congrats! How did you find out about it? Maybe I can send some in :) Thanks for sharing!
Congrats! So is there any reward or prizes for the photo getting chosen? Been looking at ur photoz all this while and all of them are great! U sent in how many entries? I hope i can get a consolation for my uni art competition where the result gona be released soon:)
melissa : i read the japan times almost everyday. we have it in the library. i am sure your pictures will pass the selection process. by the way, the pictures you took in cambodia were fantastic. i am looking forward to seeing more pictures at your site.
acrix : reward ? not in terms of cash but i did receive a copy of the newspaper each time my photo was chosen. i have sent in probably some 20 or 30 picture entries. art competition ? good luck man !
Way to go,and congratulations. I was wondering about the Hiroshima dome and in general is it still radioactive?
odd : i am not sure. i am not very familiar with the atomic bomb science but did abit of search in the net. the hiroshima and nagasaki explosions yielded some 200 different kinds of radioactive isotopes. the short-lived isotopes are the most radioactive but the most dangerous are the long-lived ones because they contaminate living things and remains in the environment (e.g. strontium-90 has a half life of 30 years and plutonium a half-life of 24,000 years). little boy was a uranium-235 type (half life of some million years). many are concern in regards to hazard due to inhalation and ingestion of radio-contaminants (from residual radiation). there are now various controls and standards for the clean-up of residual radioactive materials e.g. the ground water project, natural flushing (mitigation of residual radioactive in soil and goundwater) and etc. hiroshima still safe from radioactive ... i have no data (not sure). anyone ?
When you submitted your photos via email, what size did you make them? You have to resize them, right? How 'bout submitting a few pictures of hell? hehehe
melissa : i only resized so that the pictures are above 200 pixel and bigger than 10 cm in width. i have actually submitted some 20 pictures but they only chose three of them :( are you sending ?
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