FRIM consists of three research divisions.
(1) The Forestry Division provides data, standards and guidelines for managing our natural forests on a sustainable basis.
(2) The Product Development Division focuses on the development of forest-based industries.
(3) The Biotechnology Division involves in creating new planting material through genetic engineering.

FRIM’s ‘forest tour packages’ provide opportunities for outdoor recreation (i.e. forest trekking) and public education in its grounds.

The look of the sky in dense forest of FRIM. It was a good day for forest trekking.

One of the main attractions is the Canopy Walkway which spans about 200 m and is suspended between trees at about 30 m above ground. The trail to the walkway is uphill, steep and physically demanding (about 30 - 45 mins).

A small charge is levied for the visit;
(1) RM5 for adults
(2) RM3 for students (Age 13 onwards)
(3) RM1 for children (Age 7 - 12 yrs)

Despite that it is built with high quality ropes, visitors are advised to be at least 3 - 5 meters away from each other while on the canopy walkway.

A fallen durian fruit. Plenty of them actually on the grounds of the trek trail.

Some kids - there is nothing much more fun than than outdoor fun with water.

Looks like it is popular among the Chinese community as well (not to mention that I saw plenty of foreigners too).

A kid seen here enjoying the cooling water from the nearby waterfall.

A small waterfall at Sungai Kroh with 2 little huts is ideal place for family day.

FRIM is a popular spot for picnickers, joggers, cyclers, tourists and nature study groups, for family day events, treasure hunts, camping, birdwatching, jungle trekking and as well as nature photography.

For me, it is a treasure of relatively unpolluted air, cooler temperatures and quiet serenity.

For the serious jogger, there are 2 tracks that wind through dense forest, plantation ground and laterite road that will surely test their endurance.

It was definitely some tough and long walks (there were no cabbies till to the main entrance of FRIM). I saw this traditional house on the way.

PEJABAT means office.

I did not drive. Took the KTM train to Kepong Central and a cab to FRIM. It was a good trip away from the hustle bustle of the city. And the heavy rain came only after the trekking. Pheewww.
More information : Forest Research Institute Malaysia